Saturday, August 17, 2013

From Boyfriend to Honeymoon -- Two Years of Blogging!

As you're reading this, T-Hubs and I will be boarding our flight, heading to the coast of Oregon for our (belated) honeymoon. This is the first trip we've taken together, and the first vacation either of us has had in a long time, so we're both really excited to finally be getting away.

In the last couple weeks, I've been so busy getting ready for our trip, I didn't even realize that the day we leave is the two-year anniversary of my blog. In honor of the occasion, I scrolled back through my very first posts here. It's amazing to see how far I've come, and how much I've grown (my tastes have changed, my photography has improved), but even more incredible is seeing the words "The Boyfriend" everywhere, where now he is "The Husband" (or T-Hubs, for short). My heart does a little dance just thinking about it!

These past two years have been the start of an incredible journey -- one which I am so happy to be on! -- and I feel so blessed to have you all along with me for the ride. The me of two years ago would be proud, and probably a little teary-eyed.

Here's to many more!

Photos by The Mother

A few very awesome bloggers have been kind enough to stand in for me while I'm away, so keep your eye out for their guest posts coming up this week!


  1. Congratulations! Enjoy your honeymoon.

  2. Congrats on both of your 'versaries! Bon voyage, and enjoy your trip :)

  3. This post makes me smile a big smile.

  4. Have fun you two!! Can't wait to see photos. :)

  5. Congratulations - the Oregon coast should be beautiful this week! Our state is gorgeous pretty much wherever you go, so you should have an awesome time!

  6. Awww, you two look so cute together! Enjoy your honeymoon!

  7. You have come a long way...not that you weren't fabulous to begin with. It is a joy to see you follow your thirst for knowledge...and to enjoy the happiness you have found. Have a great trip!

  8. I LOVE that picture! Have soooo much fun!

  9. You and T Hubs deserve all the happiness in the world! Have an amazing vacation / honeymoon/ first married couple adventure Willow, can't wait to hear all about it upon your return!


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