Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dutch Baby (aka German Pancake) - First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage...

Dutch Baby (aka, German Pancake) with berries, lemon zest, and powdered sugar

Then comes a Dutch Baby in a cast iron skillet with berries on top. Mm!

Yes, The Fiancé is no longer The Fiancé, he is The Husband... The big H... T-Hubs. The words "husband and wife" are certainly going to take some getting used to. We tied the knot early last week at a nearby park, on the anniversary of our first date. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day, or a more relaxed and laid-back ceremony. It was small, intimate, and full of love, just as we had hoped.

Many thanks to my mom for being our officiator, photographer, and of course, mother of the bride. She's one talented lady, if I do say so myself.

Married in the Park Married in the Park

Married in the Park

Since we had already celebrated with an engagement party last year, all we wanted now was to spend our day together, say a few words, and sign the paperwork. Not exactly traditional, but getting the celebrations out of the way before-hand made it easier to focus on us, and less on the details of planning a big event.

Walking the paths of that park together -- the very place where I first said "I want to spend my life with you", just a year before -- was a perfect way to mark the day. We couldn't have asked for anything more.

Except perhaps a delicious breakfast. Because you can't have a perfect day on an empty stomach.

Dutch Baby (aka, German Pancake) with berries, lemon zest, and powdered sugar

Meet my Dutch Baby. While it may be derived from the German pfannkuchen (literally, pancake), a Dutch Baby is really more of a popover than anything, and as far as I can tell has very little, if any, relation to the Dutch. Originally it was made in smaller, muffin-tin sized portions, but once the "Big Dutch Baby" was invented it quickly gained popularity... because clearly, bigger is better.

This breakfast treat is traditionally made in a cast iron skillet, and baked in the oven where it puffs up and turns golden at the edges. Once removed from the oven, the popover falls and can be topped with fresh fruit, a bit of lemon juice, powdered sugar, maple syrup, or whatever toppings you like. The whole thing can then be sliced into quarters or thirds to serve, making it easy for everyone to sit down and eat together -- no standing over the stove flipping pancakes and trying to keep them warm.

Besides making a somewhat impressive presentation, these babies are incredibly easy to make. Trust me, if I can manage to throw one together first thing in the morning, there's nothing to it. This is a breakfast I could make any day of the week, and I'm not usually one to volunteer scooping flour before 9am. Just sayin'.


Recipe Notes: Dutch Babies are typically made in a cast iron skillet, but if you don't have one another large oven-safe skillet *should* work. Just be careful to grease it thoroughly, or else your pancake will stick!
Dutch Babies are traditionally served with a bit of powdered sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice. I like mine with fresh fruit or berries, or a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. Feel free to add any toppings you like, or change the flavor of the pancake even further by adding a dash of cinnamon or other spices or extracts to the batter.

Dutch Baby (aka, German Pancake)
Adapted from Malissa d'Arabian (serves 3-4 smaller portions, or 2 larger portions)

2 TBSP unsalted butter
3 large eggs
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 TBSP granulated sugar
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup milk, warmed
1/4-1/2 tsp. cinnamon or other spice (optional)

For serving:
1 cup fresh fruit or berries (I used blueberries and strawberries)
1-2 tsp sugar (depending on how sweet your fruit is)
1/2 tsp. fresh lemon zest
Confectioner's sugar (or maple syrup, honey, or other topping, to taste)

1.   Preheat oven to 400f.
2.   Place the butter in a cast iron skillet and place in the oven until melted.
3.   In a blender, combine the eggs, salt, vanilla, sugar, flour, milk, and cinnamon if using. Blend for 20-30 seconds, or until uniform.
4.   Remove the pan from the oven (careful not to burn yourself) and swirl the butter around to coat  the pan completely. Be sure to tip the pan to all sides to make sure the edges and sides are well greased. 5.   Pour any excess butter into the batter, and give the blender a pulse to combine.
6.   Pour the batter into the hot pan all at once, and return the skillet to the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the pancake has puffed in the center and is golden brown and curled at the edges.
7.   Remove from the oven and carefully remove the pancake from the pan with the help of a spatula. If you aren't serving the pancake immediately, place it on a cooling rack to keep from getting soggy on the bottom.
8.   Slice into thirds or quarters and top with fruit, sugar, or other toppings to taste.

For the fruit:
While the Dutch Baby is in the oven, mix the berries, sugar, and lemon zest in a small saucepan over low heat.
Cook, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes or until the berries become slightly syrupy. Remove from heat and set aside. Alternatively, skip the cooking and serve the pancake with fresh berries and a squeeze of lemon juice, or other toppings.


  1. Congratulations!!!! wishing you both a lifetime of love and joy.

  2. Congratulations!!! I've been thinking about you guys the last few weeks! I'm so so happy for the both of you! Awesome pictures!

  3. Congrats, Willow! We did our marriage thing our own way too. Yours seems perfect for you...and isn't that what it's all about?

    1. Thanks, Jen! That's kind of how we thought of it, too... we wanted to be true to ourselves. :)

  4. Your wedding sounds like the best sort of wedding - just as it should be.

    Also, I want this Dutch Baby in my face immediately.

    1. Haha, the problem with Dutch Baby cravings is they're so easy to make. If it weren't so hot, I'd probably be making one right now.

  5. yay! congratulations to both of you! Especially to T-Hubs (I know he wants to be called that) because he has you for a wife, and how awesome is that. :) You two are adorable together.
    I need to take the plunge on a dutch baby. i have zero idea why i've never made one of these, other than the fact that i gravitate to things i had as a child, and dutch babies weren't on the menu back then in our house. Yours looks incredible, and i have a cast iron skillet, so it's happening.

    1. Thanks! You know, I probably wouldn't have made a Dutch Baby for some time yet if it weren't for The Fiance... WHOOPS, I mean, T-Hubs, seeing a picture of one and going "want!". :P
      I was amazed at how easy it was to throw together. No baking powder or baking soda, nothing fussy or time sensitive... batter + pan = breakfast. Definitely a keeper!

  6. Congrats to the newlyweds!!!! *hugs*
    Oddly, I used to make German Pancakes alot when I was a newlywed - haven't made one in a long while - LOL!

  7. CONGRATS!!! So amazing!

    These look great!

  8. Oh man that looks delicious! My dad used to make these for us on Christmas morning ;)

    1. Oooh, so lucky. This would make an awesome holiday breakfast!

  9. Gorgeous Dutch Baby! Just found and repinned some triple ginger cookies of yours on pinterest and I know it's not ginger cookie 'season' right now, but for me it is :) They look wonderful!


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