Sunday, December 9, 2012

Eggnog Cupcakes with Light-As-Air Buttercream - and Rockin' For The Hungry

Eggnog Cupcakes, with light-as-air Buttercream, 3/5
Eggnog Cupcakes with Light-As-Air Eggnog Buttercream - recipe in post

Every year around the holidays I try to make a donation of some kind to Food Gatherer's, my local hunger-fighting food organization. They're run almost entirely on volunteers, giving them low overhead costs and making them extremely efficient, which means most of the money they receive goes directly into helping those in need.

This year I stopped by Ann Arbor 107one's "Rockin' For The Hungry" Event - a weekend-long fundraiser put on by the local radio station, to benefit Food Gatherer's in trying to raise 200 tons of food (between donations of money and non-perishable food items). I went to make my donation, and bring some cupcakes to my favorite DJ's who were "Freezin' for a Reason" out in the cold all weekend.

In exchange for a donation, I was able to pick from some very cool CD's and things they had available. And in exchange for cupcakes, they handed me a mic and put me on the air. I was so giddy, I'm not even sure real words were coming out of my mouth! To anyone listening, I apologize for the little-girl excitement I may have expressed towards the radio host. She asked me a couple of questions, I told her about this here blog of mine, and next thing I knew she was saying my name for all to hear. Thank you, Ann Arbor, for keeping me on my toes for exciting moments like these!

If you live in the Ann Arbor area, "Rocking For The Hungry" is still going on through the end of today (Sunday), right out front of the Kroger's on S. Main - you can find details here: Or, if you can't make it in time, you can always donate directly to Food Gatherer's, here: FoodGatherer'

Now, on to some cupcakes!

Eggnog Cupcakes, with light-as-air Buttercream, 1/5 Eggnog Cupcakes, with light-as-air Buttercream, 2/5

These cupcakes have plenty of eggnog flavor, but aren't overly-sweet or rich. The cake itself is moist and tender, and the frosting is more reminiscent of whipped cream than buttercream - light-as-air, not too sweet, and dangerously addictive!

Recipe Notes: these cupcakes are adapted from Baking Bites, via Annie's Eats - I changed the recipe considerably, altering the method, increasing the amount of flour, and adding an egg, among other things. The texture of my cupcakes was light, moist, and tender, and the flavor absolutely spot-on. However, the tops of my cupcakes sank slightly when they came out of the oven, so I may try a little more levening next time, or adding a splash of vinegar to help the baking soda do it's thing. If you prefer to try the original recipe, you can find it by clicking: here
These cupcakes are very lightly spiked with rum - the flavor is very faint in the cake itself, and can be adjusted in the frosting to taste.

Eggnog Cupcakes
Recipe adapted from Baking Bites
Makes about 18 cupcakes

1 1/2 cups (165g.) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/8th tsp. cinnamon
1 cup eggnog
1/4 cup rum, or other liquor
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350f., and line your cupcake tray with liners.
Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices, and salt. Set aside
In a separate bowl, combine eggnog, rum, and vanilla extract. Set aside.
With an electric mixer, beat together the butter, sugar, and egg until lightened, about 2-3 minutes. Turn the mixer to low speed, and add 1/2 the eggnog mixture, mixing to combine, followed by 1/2 of the flour mixture. Repeat with the last of the eggnog and last of the dry ingredients, mixing until the flour is just barely incorporated - do not over-mix.
Spoon into prepared cupcake pan, filling each liner about 2/3rds of the way full. Bake on the center rack for 18-20 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and springy to the touch.
Cool in tray for 4-5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack. Let cool completely before frosting.

Light-As-Air Eggnog Buttercream

1/2 cup eggnog
2 TBSP all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup plus 1 TBSP granulated sugar
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 tsp. nutmeg, plus more for garnish
1-2 TBSP rum, or other liquor, to taste (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract

In a small pot, whisk together the eggnog and flour. Don't worry if it's a little lumpy at first. Continue to whisk constantly over medium heat until the mixture begins to thicken to the consistency of brownie batter, about 5-7 minutes. As soon as it begins to thicken, turn off the heat. Set this mixture aside and let cool completely before continuing (can be set in the fridge to speed up cooling).
Cream together the butter and sugar until light, fluffy, and very little graininess remains, about 7-8 minutes. Add the completely cooled flour/eggnog mixture and heavy cream, and beat until smooth and fluffy. Add the nutmeg, rum, and vanilla, and mix to combine.
Frost cooled cupcakes, and garnish with a dash of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick. Enjoy!

Eggnog Cupcakes, with light-as-air Buttercream, 5/5


  1. These are gorgeous :) Yum! I love eggnog flavoured stuff.

    1. Thanks, Courtney! Eggnog is such a versatile ingredient, but I haven't played around with it much. I'm looking forward to trying other things with it as well!

  2. Beautiful cupcakes! Love eggnog as topping!

  3. These look fabulous! I am sure they were a treat for the DJs!

  4. Those look absilutley fantastic!

  5. Egg nog is under-utilized as a flavor. Very nice!

  6. Oh my gosh I don't even think I would be able to get a word out if I was just handed a mic live on air- at least you managed a few words!!! That is so awesome - you are famous!!

    I would have totally threw you the mic if you showed up with these cupcakes - they are so pretty :)

  7. Just made these they are delicious! The cupcakes rose just fine with the recipe, although I used faux egg so maybe that's why? Otherwise I can vouch for the deliciousness of the cake. Still need to make the frosting, but will definitely make these again for my family.

    1. Wonderful! I'm so glad to hear it, thank you for telling me. And it's great to know that egg substitutes work so well, I haven't had a chance to use them much. :)

  8. Thanks for the invite, I linked up! :)

  9. thanks for linking this nice one in to Food on Friday. There is now a great collection of muffin and cupcake ideas to check out! Cheers

    Ps I have just signed up to follow your blog by Google Reader. A follow back to Carole's Chatter would be wonderful – or have you already followed? Cheers

    Ps If you would like email reminders of future Food on Fridays, just pop by and comment and include your email - I won't publish it - and the reminder will be by bcc so it will remain private

  10. Just made these and the cake and frosting both tase great but my frosting curdled (or perhaps separated or something)!!!! Has never happened to me making frosting before :( such a shame as it tastes so good. Not sure what I am going to put on top of these now....

    1. I can't imagine why... was the flour mixture lumpy in the pot, or did it curdle/separate later on? I didn't have any problems with mine, and have made frostings like this multiple times... :/

  11. I added 1/4 teaspoon more baking powder and 1 teaspoon white vinegar and mine turned out perfect. Thanks for a yummy recipe!


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