Friday, September 28, 2012

Baked Apples, à la Mode - easy as pie (easier!)

Fall Bounty, by WillCookForFriends
Autumn Harvest - recipe for Baked Apples in post

Autumn has fallen here in Michigan, and 'round these parts that means apples. At least, most years it does... this year many of the crops were damaged by the dry heat we had during the summer, but that didn't stop me from searching high and low for the last of the local harvest.

Of course, Autumn also means pumpkins - and trust me when I say I have pumpkin recipes to come - but I couldn't let the gourd steal the show.

Baked Apples, by WillCookforFriends, 1/5

There's something about apples that just make my heart sing. There are dozens of other fruits I might name before them, but deep down I rank apples as one of my favorites. Nothing beats the smell of a fresh, ripe apple pressed to your nose... except, perhaps, the smell of apples baking away with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Baked Apples, by WillCookforFriends, 2/5
Simple Baked Apples - recipe in post

I wish you could smell this, right now. Scratch-and-sniff computer screen, activate! Bake these up and board your doors and windows, because everyone will want to know what smells so good.

This is also one of the easiest dessert you'll ever make - no fuss, no fancy technique, no dough rolling or crust making - but it tastes just like apple pie. Single serving, guilt-free, done in half an hour apple pie. My favorite kind!

Baked Apples, by WillCookforFriends, 3/5

I like to add a few chopped pecans to my apples, but if you wanted to get really fancy you could top each with a lattice of crust, or a bit of crumb topping, if cobbler is more your style. A scoop of cold ice cream melting over the hot-from-the-oven apple, and you're well on your way to taste-bud heaven!

Baked Apples, by WillCookforFriends, 5/5

Easy Baked Apples
Gluten-Free, easily made Vegan
Makes 6 servings

6 medium apples (a sweet eating variety, like Gala, Honeycrisp, Fuji, etc.)
1-2 TBSP butter, or dairy-free margarine (1/2-1 tsp. per apple)
2 TBSP maple syrup or brown sugar (1 tsp. per apple)
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon (1/4 tsp. per apple)
2-3 TBSP chopped pecans or walnuts - optional
Small pinch of nutmeg, cloves, or ginger - optional
Ice cream, or dairy-free ice cream, for serving

1.   Preheat oven to 375f.
      Using a small pairing knife or a grapefruit spoon, cut down around the stem of the apple at a slight angle,       to remove the stem and seeds. Be careful not to cut all the way through the apple. Repeat with all of the apples and place them in a glass baking dish. For six apples, I used a 9x12 inch dish.

2.   Place a small pat of butter, about 1/2-1 tsp., into each hollowed out apple. If you're using pecans or walnuts, add them now (if you add them on top of the other ingredients they may get burnt during baking). Add about 1 tsp. maple syrup or brown sugar to each apple, and then the cinnamon. If you're using any other spices, add them now.

3.   Place baking dish on the middle rack of the oven, and bake for 25-35 minutes. The time will vary depending on the size of your apples, and how soft you want them. I like to bake mine until fork tender.

4.  Remove from the oven, and serve hot with a scoop of your favorite ice cream.

Baked Apples, by WillCookforFriends, 4/5


  1. My granny used to do something like this too! Wow does it bring back memories. She's progress the same way w/ coring & spicing but then wrap it up in a pie crust as a dumpling to bake. What made it unbelievably good - was that she would make up vanilla pudding. Except she'd pour it on top the warm dumpling while hot before it set. Divine.

    1. Mmm, sounds wonderful! I've seen the baked apples done with pie crust laticed over the top, too - such a great way to make single serving pie! :)

    2. It is! I love all great stuff you share! :-D

  2. P.s. It looks like your comment verification changed. Its REALLY hard to see the picture which is ALL blurry and too small. The first wasn't even readable it was so small. Love your blog...LOATHE captcha.

    1. THANK YOU for telling me! I was wondering if something was wrong with my comments... I thought I had turned the Captcha off, but then blogger changed some settings and I guess it didn't work. Will fix it ASAP - thanks again!

    2. Totally welcome! Completely understand its purpose, especially if comments are auto approved. The robots must be smarter then me however cause some of these captcha anymore are just too difficult.
      Just glad you don't mind feedback. :-D I need to look into Akismet; right now I have a math validation one however and it seems to work pretty well except for hand-spam. But even then, its down from 300 a day to 3 a month. That I can handle catching. LOL

  3. oh I love this! Easy, healthy and perfect for fall :) Gorgeous photos too

  4. Mmm, these apples look delicious. I love that they keep their integrity throughout the baking process, so you still get that crunch. Your photos are beautiful.

  5. Love the photos! Great! Fab! Absolutely marvellous. And I'm SO making these apples :)

  6. GORGEOUS! These look so simple yet delicious. Beautiful photos too!

  7. YUM - this is delicious! I grew up working on a farm and we would make these in a Dutch Oven over an open fire, have not even thought of making them in year... welcome this weekend's dessert - DELICIOUS and I love these photos :-)

    1. What a great idea! I'll have to remember the Dutch Oven method next time I go camping. ;)

  8. I remember the first time I baked apples, many years ago. Such a simple thing, and yet so delicious and wonderful. :D

  9. Dare I say this looks even better than pie? Yum!

  10. Oh man, I definitely miss Michigan apples--especially at this time of year! Those look so good! :)

  11. Willow, your pictures are absolute works of art. Just gorgeous. Love the simplicity of this dessert!

  12. So pretty and easy! I LOVE the smell of apples, cinnamon and suagr baking away - this is such a great weeknight dessert - sign me up with a scoop of ice cream!!

  13. GREAT idea! My whole fam just eats the filling out of the pie anyhow! GENIUS to just do away w/ it! Now why didn't I think of that?!!!

  14. Thanks for sharing! I remember making these in Girl Scouts. We would wrap them in foil and bake over the fire. They are as delicious as they look too!!!


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