Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Watermelon Salad - Red, White, and Blue... and Green!

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(Watermelon Salad - recipe in post)

Ah, Independence Day. Gunpowder in the air, children burning themselves with sparklers, and the wafting scent of neighbors firing up their grills... even though it's so hot they could cook the burgers on the pavement. There's nothing quite like it!

A couple years ago, a friend brought a salad very similar to this to a party. It consisted of watermelon, cucumber, and onions, dressed in a light vinaigrette. I was dumbfounded that anyone would put watermelon and onions into the same bowl together, but was curious enough to try it... and I could not stop eating it. Of the entire potluck, it was the only thing I kept coming back to again and again.

Remembering that dish, I asked my friends and family if they had the recipe. Before I knew it, a search party was out, trying to find where it was written. The longer I waited the more apparent it became that I wasn't going to get the original, so I decided to take what I remembered and put my own spin on it.

While I loved that salad exactly how it was, I opted to swap the onions for Jicama, and the vinaigrette for fresh herbs and a squeeze of lime. The blueberries came as an afterthought, for the red-white-and-blue theme, but I have to say they were one of the best parts of this salad.

Crisp, cool, refreshing - perfect to bring to potlucks, barbeques, or just to sit in your underwear and munch on to stay cool. Not that I'm sitting in my underwear eating watermelon... I'm more sophisticated than that.

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Watermelon Salad

2 lbs. fresh watermelon, cut into cubes (1/2 - 1 inch)
1 cup jicama, cut into cubes (1/4 - 1/2 inch)
1 large cucumber, optionally peeled, cut into cubes (1/4 - 1/2 inch)
1 pint blueberries
1 handful fresh basil, chopped (maybe 1/4 cup)
1 small handful fresh mint, chopped (maybe 1/8th cup)
1/2 lime, juiced

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Cover, and refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until well chilled.



  1. Took a break from the home inprovement projects, huh? Happy Independence Day!

    1. Indeed - I've been eating almost nothing but watermelon the past few days, so I knew I had to stop and photograph this bowl before I dove in. Hope you have a wonderful Fourth!

  2. Happy July 4th! :)

    LOVE that you added jicama to this salad! It's one of my fans. Too bad it's sooooo difficult to find here :( Grrrr!

    1. Thanks! I never thought of that, but I guess I'm lucky... Whole Foods always seems to have them.

  3. Beautiful and refreshing! I love all of the flavors in this dish.

    Maybe before potlucks, you should require recipe cards from now on. ;)

  4. This looks so great! I love that you added jicama. I bet it's delicious!

  5. All these ingredients combined together sounds like a summer dream come true! There's so much that I love about this recipe. I totally need to pick some watermelon up ASAP! :-)

    1. Heheh - it's been so hot lately, watermelon is my go-to food. I've bought five (yes, five) in the past 3 days. I have one left. :o

  6. Very colorful and lovely salad ... Looks great!

  7. Wow, this sounds like one of the most summer & refreshing salads ever. Perfect for hot hot holiday weeks!

  8. I need to get on the Jimaca band wagon - and this salad looks like the perfect start!

    The colors are so pretty - and no judging, you know if you were to be sitting in your undies eating watermelon :)


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