Monday, May 21, 2012

Peaches & Cream Parfaits, perfect for friends

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Peaches and Cream Granola Parfaits - recipe in post

In today's technology driven, facebook likin', twitter tweetin' world, it's become fairly normal to 'meet' people via the internet. But when I started blogging, I never expected to make any actual friends... the real, honest-to-goodness types you'd want to invite over for dinner and games.

Sure enough, though, that's exactly what happened - and if we could all have a big foodie get together, that's just what we'd do. Sadly, geography doesn't allow for such a thing... but not even that's going to stop us!

My friend Courtney over at The Fig Tree has gathered us 'round the virtual table for a Veggie Potluck, featuring dishes from vegetarian and vegan bloggers. Each contribution will be featured below, and you can click through to each blogger to find recipes and learn more about their dish.

I don't know about you, but I'm terrible at deciding what to bring to a gathering. Because of my foodie reputation, I always feel a bit of pressure to make something extra special or exciting, when usually all I want to do is grab a bag of chips. Consequently, I end up scrambling last minute in a hap-hazard attempt to throw together something healthy, delicious, and unique.

Thankfully, I had a lot of time to plan (postpone), think about (procrastinate), and work on (dawdle) a dish to bring.

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An indulgent breakfast, or a healthy dessert - you choose!

I love a good homemade granola. I mean, love. I can't say for sure how much granola one batch produces, because I end up eating so much while I'm making it. Being such a granola junkie, can you believe it's been nearly a year since I made any? How could I let this happen?

When I realized how much I missed grabbing a handful for breakfast, throwing some in my bag on the way to the gym, or serving with fruit and yogurt for dessert, I knew I had to find a way to incorporate it here. And when I saw the peaches, finally in season and perfectly ripe, everything fell into place.

Recipe note: Granola is such a versatile thing - some like it with very few ingredients, just the basics, while others (like myself) prefer it with anything and everything available. Feel free to play around with the nuts/seeds/add-ins to make this how you like it.
Also, this has been a go-to recipe for me in the past, but this time turned out less clumpy, and slightly less sweet, than usual. The results were still tasty, but I must have mis-measured some of the liquid ingredients. Whatever changes you make, I suggest trying to maintain the ratio of wet to dry.

Go-Go Granola
(Adapted from Angela Liddon's Favorite Granola)
Vegan, gluten-free, makes ~ 6 cups

The Dry
2.5 cups rolled oats (certified gluten free)
1 1/2 cups raw nuts, roughly chopped (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc. - I like to mix)
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds (or pumpkin seeds, or a mix)
1/2 cup Hemp Hearts (shelled hemp seeds)
2 TBSP ground flax seed
1 TBSP chia seeds
1 tsp. cinnamon (and/or chai, or other spice)
1/8th tsp. ginger (and/or nutmeg, cayenne, or other spice)
1/4-1/2 tsp. sea salt
The Wet
4 TBSP brown rice syrup, or maple syrup (or honey, for non-vegans)*
1/3 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1 TBSP agave, or maple syrup (or more honey)
2-3 TBSP ripe banana, mashed (or unsweetened applesauce)**
2 TBSP nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew, etc.)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. almond extract (or orange, coconut, or other - or more vanilla)

1 cup of dried fruit or other mix-ins (cranberries, raisins, blueberries, chopped apricots, dates, cocoa nibs, chocolate chips, etc.)

*Note that the sweetener you use is up to you, but each will effect taste and crunchy/clumpiness differently. Play around to see what you like best
**Using banana does not make this a banana flavored granola - I just happen to have bananas on hand more often than applesauce.

Preheat oven to 275f., and line a half sheet pan (or other rimmed baking sheet) with parchment.

In a large bowl, add all of the dry ingredients and stir to combine.

In a small pot on the stove, or a microwave safe bowl, add all of the wet ingredients except the extracts. Stir over low heat, or microwave in 30sec. intervals, stirring in between, until melted and all of the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in the extracts.

Pour the wet ingredients (while still warm) over the dry and mix with a wooden spoon. The mixture should be very thick, and hard to stir. Keep going until well combined.

Dump the mixture onto your prepared baking sheet, and spread into one even layer. Try to take it all the way to the edges of the pan, to ensure even cooking. Place on the middle rack of the oven, and cook for 50-60 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven ever 12-15 minutes to stir the granola, to keep it cooking evenly.

Remove the granola from the oven and allow to cool 30-35 minutes. As it cools, it will begin to clump up, so don't stir it during this time. Once cooled, break the granola into pieces and mix in whatever dried fruit or other add-ins you choose.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month, or in the freezer indefinitely.

Peaches and Cream Parfaits
(Vegan, gluten-free)

2 fresh peaches, or about 6oz. frozen, sliced (plus more for garnish)
2 cups Greek style soygurt (or yogurt, for non-vegans)
3-4 TBSP agave, maple syrup, or other sweetener (plus more for drizzling over top)
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
pinch of cinnamon (optional)

Granola, and fresh fruit or berries for layering

In a food processor, add the peaches and blend until smooth. Add the soygurt, 2-3 TBSP sweetener, the vanilla, and the cinnamon if using. Process until smooth, taste, and adjust the sweetness to your liking.
Can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, until ready to use.

In glass cups, bowls, or parfait dishes, layer 1/4-1/2 cup granola, fresh fruit or berries, then peach cream. Repeat the layers to fill the dish, and garnish with slices of fresh peach and a drizzle of agave.

Serve immediately.

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Let's take a walk around the rest of the potluck table:

To get things started, Elaina of Flavour Food and Wine brought her tasty twist on an old classic - Broccoflower Guacamole! I'm a bit of a guacamole fanatic, so I was super excited to see such an unusual take on it. I can't wait to try this!

Next up, Caitlin of The Vegan Chickpea shared her beautiful Super Green Salad with Strawberries - how good does that look? Full of bright spring vegetables, and bursting with fresh strawberries, this is something I can really imagine myself digging into.

Courtney from The Fig Tree, who was gracious enough to host this wonderful potluck, brought this incredible Mango Avocado Salad with Pineapple Mint Dressing - how bright do those flavors sound? I'm a big fan of avocado in salads, and clearly I'm not alone. Are you sensing a theme to this potluck? Avocado is such a wonderful fruit, and this is just another great way to highlight it.

Genevieve of Vanilla and Spice made this gloriously green Avocado Potato Salad - fresh and light, this is a fun and healthy twist on the usual. Don't mind if I help myself to seconds!

Stepping into main-coarse territory, Helena of Peaches and Cream Blog brought these Big Bertha Burgers. These are seriously some of the tastiest looking veggie burgers I've set my sights on. As the name might imply, these make for one big, flavor-packed meal!

The Healthy Wife, Destini, showed up with this protein-packed Lime and Cilantro Black Bean Quinoa Salad - salads like these are a must for me. So simple to throw together, healthy, satisfying, and of course delicious to boot. A perfect salad for potlucking!

Cara of Fork and Beans made these Stuffed Bell Peppers, with quinoa, beans, and a pinch of warm southwest flavors. Quick, delicious, and satisfying!

The amazing Richa, over at Hobby and More, created these Chard Cauliflower Carrot Wraps with Mint Thyme Tomato Chutney - talk about a mouthful of flavor! These are just too good not to pass up, and I can't wait to try them for myself.

Joining me in the field of snacks and desserts, my friend Heather at Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes made these Strawberry Rhubarb Coconut Crumb Bars. Yes, let me say it again: Strawberry Rhubarb Coconut Crumb Bars. These treats combine some of my favorite flavors, and besides being a wonderful addition to the potluck would make a great dessert or on-the-go snack!

Last but not least, Natasha, over at VIMWAC (that's, a Vegetarian in Manatoba Without A Clue) made these Chocolate and Banana Rolled Oat Bites. These ingredients were made for each other, and come together in the perfect one-bite dessert.

Now, if only we could all get together in peron and actually taste everything!


  1. these parfaits are absolutely drool-worthy! i love peaches so much. i know what i'm having for dessert!

    1. Thanks, Caitlin! The great thing about this recipe is it makes a bunch and can last a while - perfect for snacking throughout the week!

  2. I am pretty sure if I lived even remotely close to you I would be over your house - these look so so good - I love the fresh peaches blended in with the soygurt- brilliant!

    Oh and lets talk about your food comp - ummm yes perfection, your composition is always so beautiful - I am putting that on my "things Willow must teach me" list along with cupcake frosting :)

    1. Haha, that would be so much fun!

      And thank you! I could learn a thing or two from you, too - like how to bake such fantastic vegan desserts! :D

  3. Beautiful photos and I love how you actually blended the peaches into the yogurt! I love making quick yogurt parfaits with granola and fresh fruit for breakfast, but I don't know if I've ever tried it with peaches...Once local peaches are available this year, I will definitely be trying this idea out!

    1. Thanks! I couldn't pass them up when I saw them - once fresh fruit hits the shelves I am all over it!

  4. Very similar to my own concept! Love it...

  5. LOVE granola and all its ingredients. What a great idea to bring this to our potluck! This will definitely make it to one of my 'real' parties this summer! Lovely to have met you through this virtual potluck :)

    1. Thanks! And it's been great to meet you as well - I've really been enjoying keeping up with your blog and your journey through Living Your Maksha. Will definitely have to give your broccoflower guacamole a try! :)

  6. Oh Willow....your comment "Thankfully, I had a lot of time to plan (postpone), think about (procrastinate), and work on (dawdle) a dish to bring" made my snort sooo loud! Sounds exactly like me! I planned this thing a month ago and I only decided yesterday what I was bringing! *HAH*

    Beautiful photos. I absolutely adore your photography. Such talent! You just know how to style things to make them look perfect and irresistible! Cannot wait to try this granola. Yum!!!!

    Thanks for participating in the potluck! Means a lot :) xoxo

    1. Haha, thanks, Courtney! And thank you SO much for hosting it, it was such a great idea! You organized everything perfectly, and I can't believe how much fun it is to see what everyone 'brought' to the potluck. :D

  7. i agree. the pictures are absolutely beautiful and i love the colors and the composition.. i will drop by with heather to pick up a few tricks from you too!
    and eat all of that delicious and good for me granola!

    1. I don't know what to say - more often than not I think I just get lucky playing around with composition. But thanks!! :P

      And you're welcome to - food is always better when shared with friends! :)

  8. WOW these look amazing That granola may become a staple in my cupboard. I always have granola. What a beautiful blog you have! So happy to have "met" you

    1. Thanks! And ditto - great to meet you via this lovely little potluck. :)

  9. Gorgeous!!!!

    Outside and a couple of steps away from my house, I have THOUSANDS of peaches, waiting to be picked and made into something yummy. If you need extra, you let me know.

    1. Oh, wow! How awesome to have peach trees, definitely jealous! I gotta get down to Texas one of these days. We can make tasty things together! :)

  10. Willow...
    How did you know I love Peaches & Cream?? LOL! I love your photos! I've been trying to find a great granola recipes..and this one looks like it is it. Thank you so much for sharing, I wish that we could all meet one day! :D

    1. Haha, wild guess. ;)

      And I hope you like this granola - I really trust Angela (Oh She Glows), but managed to make some kind of mistake the past couple times I made it... oven too hot, mismeasured ingredients, etc. Apparently I suck at paying attention to what I'm doing. :P

  11. What a wonderful idea for a parfait. peaches! yes please.... and the granola looks freakin delicious I could add it to everything! Love the veggie potluck idea looked like a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks! It was, I was glad to have the chance to participate... would be great if we could all get together for real, though. I have yet to see a food blogger convention come anywhere near to where I live. :/

  12. Peaches & Cream! ... does life get any better:) your pictures are so beautiful and artistic! thanks for the delicious recipe!

  13. You guys are adorable! I love this concept

  14. These are gorgeously presented and photographed, and they sound delicious! Such a good idea for a light summer dessert!

    1. Thanks! I thought so - I had a big batch of granola and a tub of the peaches and cream yogurt in the fridge, and it's been a quick breakfast and awesome dessert for the past few days. Still loving it! :)

  15. Hi Willow I wanted to let you know that I passed on the One Lovely Blog award to you :) you can get the badge off my latest post. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really honored. I'll accept the award as soon as I can. :D

  16. Looks absolutely fantastic, Willow - so pretty. I wish I could get in on this veggie love stuff, I adore veggie food despite being a great big meat eater :)

    1. Thanks! I felt very honored to be invited to the vegetarian/vegan potluck, as I myself am neither. I certainly like making things that everyone can enjoy, though! :)


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