Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting To Know You ~ Getting To Know All About You

Getting to like you ~ Getting to hope you like me...

La da de daaa daa, la da de da da, de daaa dummm!

Today I have a recipe for friendship, for you. You take a few bloggers, throw in a questionnaire, mix it up with a bit of humor, and let the pot simmer. Simple, fun, and educational!

Over the weekend I was tagged by my friend at Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes to play along in a get-to-know-you kind of blogger game.

The Rules are as follows:

1. Remember to post the rules.
2. Share 12 things about yourself your readers don't already know.
3. Answer the questions presented by the person tagging you.
4. Ask 12 questions of your own, and tag others to play along (tag 12 if you can, but less is fine)
5. Be sure to comment on the blogs of those you've tagged to let them know they're in.

So let's begin, shall we?

12 things about me
  • When I was little, I dreamt of being an archeologist. I dug a hole under the back porch, and found a few bits of junk which I assumed were sacred relics. I treasured them for several years.
  • I once spent an entire afternoon riding an elevator - yes, for fun - only to discover when I got out that I had just missed an impromptu concert by Jason Mraz. Never again, elevator... never again.
  • I love to read (though have had very little time for it, lately) and am right now reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer, which I've been told is fabulous, and a must read before seeing the movie (of course).
  • I once met Terry Pratchett. If you don't know who Terry Pratchett is... then I'm sorry.
  • I was homeschooled (or "unschooled", as I prefer) my entire life. Being self-taught has benefited me in many ways, and I'm very grateful to my parents for trusting in my abilities.
  • I love to learn!
  • I fancy myself a writer - I used to write poetry, some of which has been published in small magazines, and now write short stories when I find the time. (Not to mention this blog!)
  • When I was little my favorite food in the whole world was nachos - or just "chips and cheese" as I called it. I think the main attraction was that I could make it myself without any help, and I was all about being independant.
  • I've always been a big fan of vegetables, even when I was little. No one ever had to force me to eat my broccoli, because I was already helping myself to seconds.
  • I have a fairly small family, but every one of them is near and dear to me. I have the best Brother in the world, and joke that we have a connection like twins, even though we're several years apart.
  • Friends and family are the most important thing to me. Everything I do and everything I am is for the people I love.
  • I'm an animal lover. I've always had pets, from cats and dogs to horses and goats. Right now The Boyfriend and I share the house with Calvin, a golden/chow mix, who has never been the sharpest spoon in the drawer. He's getting up there, though, and his hips have become a problem. Consequently, we spoil him to pieces and do everything we can to help make him comfortable.

Calvin, sitting in his (freshly filled) water dish while eating.

Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes asks:

  • Describe yourself in 3 words: "Fat, dumb, and happy" are what The Boyfriend and I always say we aim for - but to be serious, Ill say "unconventional, creative, and caring".
  • What is your ultimate food weakness? Ultimate? That's a tough one. I gotta say I have a lot of weaknesses, but I suppose the big one would be ice cream. I believe my record is 1 1/4 gallons in one sitting.
  • What is your favorite book of all time? Favorite? As in, just one? I like an awful lot of books, but they're all so different it's hard to call any one of them a favorite over the rest. So rather than choose a highly important and thought-provoking piece of literature, I'm going with something that holds a lot of nostalgia for me. I'll say "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss. (Have you seen the Burning Man rendition the book?)
  • What is the most exotic place you have travelled to or through? Um... does Canada count as exotic?
  • What is your favorite aspect of blogging? Meeting and sharing with other like-minded people, and getting to combine three of my favorite hobbies (writing, photography, and cooking) all in one happy medium.
  • Would you describe yourself as a control freak, perfectionist, or laid back & why? Can I be a laid-back-perfectionist-freak? I'd say I'm pretty chill about most things, but can be quite the perfectionist when it comes to my own endeavors. I set pretty high standards for myself, which I'm just beginning to accept and be more reasonable about.
  • Favorite Cocktail or Mocktail- please share! I'm a big fan of the White Russian...
  • How do you celebrate your birthday? Differently every year! This year is a simple dinner out (gotta love the b-day discount) and maybe kicking back with some wine and chocolate. Nothing too big or bombastic.
  • Do you sing in the car; if so, at the top of your lungs or do you lip sync? Yes. Usually at the top of my lungs, but then I get quiet at stop lights when I think other people might see me and think I'm a crazy person. They'd be right, mind you...
  • What is the one goal you set for yourself in 2012 that seems the most attainable? Strange as it may sound, I started the year hoping to integrate more seafood into my diet. So far that's been easy, because I love seafood!
  • Who are the bloggers that most inspire you to be a better blogger, writer, photographer, or all around person? Would it be too much if I said you? Okay, let me think... of the many, I've often been struck by the photography of Matt Armendariz, and have always loved Angela's writing over at Oh She Glows - not to mention her amazing recipes. I'm so excited that she has a book in the works!
  • What is your favorite thing about yourself; anything goes, personality trait, feature, or benefit: I love this question! Let's see... I like that I'm a free-thinker. My parents imparted me with a decent sense of open-mindedness, along with a healthy dose of skepticism; enough to keep me thinking for myself, taking things with a grain of salt, and forming my own opinions. Yay for freedom of thought!

My questions for you:

monty python bridge
"Answer me these questions three..." - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  • What is your favorite quote or saying?
  • What did/do you want to be when you grow up?
  • When you began blogging, what were your expectations and were they met, exceeded, or neither?
  • Is there a food or dish you'd really like to make but are afraid is too hard? If so, what is it?
  • What would you say is your biggest kitchen mishap?
  • What would you say your greatest accomplishment up till now has been (in the kitchen or otherwise)?
  • What first inspired you to cook?
  • After a long hard day, what would be your ideal meal to come home to?
  • What is one of your guilty pleasures?
  • Besides food/blogging, what are some of your favorite hobbies or past times?
  • Where would you most like to travel to, visit, or return to someday, and why?
  • If you could have any famous person over for dinner (or any meal), who would it be and what would you make?

Tag, you're it!

I want to get to know you! Keep the game rolling and share 12 things about yourself, answer my questions to you, and then pass along your own questions to other bloggers.

As I said before, getting to meet other foodies has turned out to be such a huge part of what blogging is all about. Even if I didn't tag you above, feel free to share your story or leave answers to the questions in the comments.

And if you're really interested, you can find me on twitter, facebook, and pinterest, for even more friend-making awesomeness!


Ba-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, ba-na-na-na-na-na-na-na...


 Banana Man!

I digress.


  1. This was SO MUCH FUN to read! Thank you for playing along :)
    I do the same exact this in the car while singing; I can only imagine what people would think if I continues to sing while stopped at the light; I really get into my songs!

    You seem to have such an interesting life; and your pup, oh my- how CUTE is he - that picture will have me smiling all day :)

    1. Haha - thanks! I'm not so sure about my life being interesting... 97% of the time it's pretty dull. But those 3%... ;)

      And yeah, that picture pretty well sums Calvin up. He has a lot of comical stories, though. Perhaps I'll get around to sharing them sometime. :)

  2. Okay, I'm loving your questions.

    Also, I'm in awe of your ice cream eating abilities. I bow to you, Warrior(ess) Willow!

    I just downloaded "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" to my Kindle but I'm afraid to read it. I'm not in a place where I want to cry right now.

    I can't wait to answer these questions!

    1. Thanks - I feel like I've built up an endurance for ice cream. A pint or a quart are small pickings, now. :)

      And yeah, I'm about a third of the way through the book and I'm just waiting for it to get really powerful.

      Can't wait to read your responses!

  3. Thanks so much for including me in this. I am dying to add this to my blog but just haven't found the time to answer all the questions and add my own. I think I can do it next week. I just love your blog and love your photos of food. Thanks again and have a nice weekend.

    1. No problem, I look forward to reading your responses!

  4. Lol I got tagged in this about a week ago! I'm away to upload the post tomorrow! I've made it shorter and more compact and random lol.


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