Thursday, March 15, 2012

Deviled Eggs and Leprechaun Gold

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(Deviled Eggs served up as 'Leprechaun pots of gold' for St. Patty's Day - recipe in post)

I meant to write this yesterday, but with the sun shining at a roll-your-window's-down 72 degrees there was no way I was going to spend my day inside, staring at a computer screen.

There are some days when I wish, instead of walking dogs, I could just drive to a cubicle somewhere and sit down. Yesterday was not one of those days. I don't know what I would have done had I been cooped up indoors, but it sure as heck wouldn't have been very productive.

As soon as I got home I made myself a picnic, to inaugurate the first gorgeous Spring day of the year.

(Salad of ribboned zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, and honeycrisp apple, lightly dressed in lemon juice, cilantro, and a pinch of salt and pepper)

I even made a pitcher of iced tea, just to hit it home.

(Mix of green and peppermint tea, with lemon, fresh mint, and honey)

This was great for keeping me hydrated, as I spent the rest of the day doing yard work and gardening.

I'm going to plant things!


...Again. Because the first time - and second time - disasters struck. I'm not going to point fingers and name names, but a clumsy little dog may have had something to do with it.


But all of that was yesterday. Today, there is rain again. And with a mix of rain and sun comes rainbows, and we all know what awaits us at the end of those rainbows...

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Leprechaun pots of gold!
These are pretty much my basic deviled eggs, with only a few modifications. Instead of a sprinkling of paprika, I opted for some gold luster dust (available in the specialty baking isle, usually with the gel food colorings and other Wilton's products) to add a more metallic feel to the tops of the eggs. Unfortunately, this didn't come across very well in my photos, so you'll just have to trust me on how shimmery they were.

My deviled eggs are nothing special - just a simple recipe my mom always used - but they're always a hit whenever I make them. There are a few changes in the recipe below, but I've noted them so they're easy to do away with if you want to skip the 'pots of gold' idea.

Deviled Eggs (pots of gold)
(Recipe can easily be doubled, tripled, etc.)

6 eggs, hard boiled (instructions below)
2-3 TBSP mayonnaise
1/4 tsp. dry mustard powder (or you can substitute up to 1 tsp. of the mayo for regular or dijon mustard)
1/8th-1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper, or dash of your favorite hot sauce (optional - I left this out to keep the yolks bright and yellow)
1/8th tsp. turmeric powder (not an ingredient in my regular deviled eggs, but I added it here to help enhance the brightness of the yolks.)
Salt/pepper to taste

Paprika (for regular 'deviled' eggs) or gold luster dust (for pots of gold)


Place the eggs into the bottom of a pot. Cover them by at least 1 inch with cold water, and set on the stove over high heat.
Bring to a boil. As soon as the water is at a full boil, cover the pot and remove from heat.
Set a timer, and let them go for 13-14 minutes. Don't uncover or fiddle with them during this time, just let them go.
Once the timer goes off, remove the lid, and run the eggs under cold water. Soak them in cold water until they've completely cooled, refreshing the water as needed if it gets warm.

Peel the eggs, and slice them in half (for normal deviled eggs I would suggest slicing them lengthwise, but for the pots of gold I cut them across the equator). Gently pop out the yolks into a bowl, and set the whites on a tray or serving platter.
To the yolks, add the rest of the ingredients (except the paprika or luster dust) and mix with a fork until smooth. Add a little more mayo if necessary to get the right consistency. Taste and adjust seasoning, and then fill the whites with the yolk mixture.
For regular deviled eggs, I recommend spooning the mixture into a piping bag, or zip-top bag with the corner cut off, and piping it into the whites. This is easier, neater, and makes for a nice presentation.
With the pots of gold, however, I chose to spoon the mixture directly into the yolks for a more rustic look.
Sprinkle the tops with a dusting of paprika, or luster dust, and enjoy!

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Happy St. Patty's!


  1. This weather is filling my head with lots of things like picnics, planting, bicycling..etc. Like you I am glad that spring is here.
    Your little leprechaun egg is adorable-very creative! I will need to try this version of deviled eggs, love the addition of the tumeric! Have a great day.

    1. I can't get enough of being outside right now! I know before long I'll be wishiing for it to cool down, but for now it's perfect.

      Thanks! I used the turmeric on a whim, but thought it worked really well. :)

  2. Willow, you are killing me with that leprechaun egg. That has got to be the cutest thing ever!!! You are so creative! xo

    1. Thanks! There's actually a very specific inspiration for it, which I will hopefully post about over the weekend. :)

  3. OMG. This is so adorable.

    And I ADORE deviled eggs, which my niece calls "Debiled eggs"...LOL!

    I'm in love with your pictures!

    1. Haha! 'Debiled eggs' - I love it. That reminds me of a friend's little girl, who picked up on people calling her 'adorable' and one day said "I'm a door bell!" :P

  4. Um. yeah. I'm pretty much in love with this post. LOL. So cute.

  5. Haha, clever! Love your twist on a St Patty's Day post =)

  6. Super cute Willow! Kids would love these with the sparkly gold topping. Good luck on planting your garden. I used to grow gorgeous tomatoes every year but the trees surrounding our house have grown so tall and huge they block out the sun and I have no place to plant anymore :( I will live vicariously through your garden.

    1. Thanks!
      I'm sorry to hear about your shade issue... I don't have a whole lot of space to plant, but fotunately what I do have is bright and sunny. The Boyfriend always plants pumpkins (he's the pie guy come thanksgiving!) and tomatoes, but I'm hoping to add bell peppers and carrots to the mix. Assuming things go well, you'll be sure to see lots of photos. :D

  7. I miss eating deviled eggs. And if I could stomach them, I'd make a batch of these and stuff my face with them all weekend :)

    1. Sorry you can't enjoy them! Egg allergies? Thankfully, there are lots of other tasty St. Patty's goodies!

  8. Everything about each one of these photos make me smile, I love the play on 'normal' Deviled Eggs for St. Patty's Day!! And while we are talking about these photos of yours... WOW.

    Happy Spring and enjoy those days outside with the 4 legged friends! :-)

    1. Thanks you!
      We had a crazy hail storm with a tornado touch-down last night, but this morning it's back to sun-shining and bird-chirping. Crazy!

  9. I've always liked deviled eggs, pretty much in any form, they really don't need much to taste really good. I can see the bit of sparkle on the close-up. The Leprechaun egg is really adorable, I really love how you set the scene!

    1. Indeed - every time I make them I stand there thinking... shouldn't I be adding something else? But no, they really are that simple.

  10. I disagree with you that your deviled eggs are not special.They look amazingly beautiful!! Less is more ^_^

  11. This is the most adorable food photo I've seen in quite a while--good show! =) And Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. Thank you! Stay tuned - the inspiration for that little leprechaun egg will be the theme of my next post. :)

  12. first time here glad to follow you ...very lovely .... visit my blog

  13. Sounds like you had a lovely day! And these deviled eggs are too cute, just perfect for St. Patty's day! The gold dust is a great touch. Thanks so much for linking up at my blog hop! Pinned :-)

    1. Thanks, Katherine! Great blog hop, too - lots of St. Patty's wonderfulness!

  14. This post makes me love you even more Willow - the little egg leprechaun, so adorable!

    It looks like you are attempting the Carnival Peppers from Burpee; I am curious to hear how yours do, I tried grwing them 3 years in a row, the seedlings did not last long once transplanted - I am attempting again this year but would love to hear how yours do!

    1. Whoa boy! That's scary to hear - I was just told by someone else that they've had trouble with peppers. I haven't even started mine yet - hopefully I'll get them in their little greenhouse tomorrow, and will be extra careful transplanting them. I'll keep you posted!

  15. This is such a cute cute cute post! I cannot get over the 'pot of gold' and your 'irishmen' :D
    Love it!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Double Nutella Layered Cheesecake Brownies


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