Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Macaroni Con Queso - Mexican Mac and Cheese

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(Macaroni Con Queso - recipe in post)

Sometimes, I'm a genius. The brain wad starts firing, and before I even know what's hit me I've had a great idea - that's right, I'm not going to tone it down for you, I'm brilliant. Sometimes.

This, if I do say so myself, was one of those times. Macaroni Con Queso - or Mexican Macaroni - was the result of staring into the fridge and realizing I was pretty much food broke, except for cheese and a jalapeno pepper. Leave it to me to turn a sad situation into a tasty invention!

Here's what you'll need:

Macaroni Con Queso

1 lb. elbow macaroni
8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
2 oz. monterey jack cheese, shredded
2 TBSP unsalted butter
2 jalapeno peppers, diced or sliced into rounds (optionally seeded/deveined)
1/2 onion, diced fine
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup corn
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup salsa (or pico de gallo)
1/4-1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste

Optional: hot sauce, to finish (Cholula, if you can find it, works best here)
Optional: cilantro, to garnish (I wish I had this, the photos would be 100 times prettier!)

(Note: it's worth mentioning that a cheese sauce, like this one, made without a roux is not very stable and may result in a stringy/oily cheese that won't adhere to the noodles very well. While I haven't personally found this to be a problem, if you're afraid it might be an issue feel free to start the cheese sauce with the two TBSP butter AND a couple TBSP flour, to make a roux.)


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the pasta until al-dente, drain, and set aside.

While the water is coming to a boil, heat another pot or sauce pan over medium-high. Optionally remove the seeds and veins from the jalapeno to get rid of some of the heat. Add the butter, jalapeno, onion, and garlic to the pan and saute for 2-3 minutes to soften. Stir in the corn and turn off the heat.
In a small bowl, combine the milk, sour cream, and salsa. Add to the pot, off the heat, while stirring. Add the cheese one handful at a time, stirring until melted in between handfuls. If necessary, turn the heat back on to low.
Stir in the pasta and crushed red pepper flakes, and serve.
Finish with a dash of hot sauce for the full experience.

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(You'll just have to imagine a beautiful drizzle of hot sauce, here... I'm only brilliant sometimes.)

So good. So smart. You're welcome.


  1. Haha I think you are brilliant all the time!

    We have a CASE of Cholula at our house; it is simpy the best!

    1. Yay! Finally somebody else who knows what Cholula is! There are some other hot sauces that I might choose for specific situations, but Cholula is my #1 all time favorite.
      And thanks, but clearly that means I don't share enough of my failures. :P

    2. We get so excited when we see Cholula- even justin, he spies it even if the label is only half showing; movies, magazines- he will randomly say hey they have Cholula too! Apparently he is amazed that other people know about our favorite hot sauce :)

  2. I enjoy your blog, keep up the good (cooking) work! I've added you to my blogroll, too -- The 99 Cent Chef ;-p

  3. I am a sucker for both mac n cheese and mexican flavours. So, to me, this looks like heaven! :)

  4. Wow! If I don't get some of this one of these days, I'm gonna disown you! ; )

    1. LOL - oh no! Still working on finding a date when you can come over for dinner, don't worry. I'll be sure to make something good. :)

  5. Yup! Definitely brilliant...even genius! :-) What a great idea for mac n cheese, such a great avenue for so many flavors.

  6. this macaroni looks so delish. I love the jalapeno. I could eat jalepeno in everything. thanks for sharing.

  7. I just wanted to know if you have leftovers?

    1. Not really... it was way too tasty! There was a tiny bit that The Boyfriend took to work the next day, but hardly enough to call a meal.

  8. Ooo, I'm going to try this out with pepper jack and a bit of queso fresco on top. Now to think of a substitute for sour cream; I don't like the stuff haha. The dish looks PHENOMENAL!

    1. Thanks, I hope you like it! I would suggest a bit of plain yogurt, or even a dollop of cream cheese, in place of the sour cream. Anything to make it a little thicker and richer. Let me know how it turns out!

  9. Tried this for dinner tonight and I'm wishing I'd followed my instinct to make a roux for the cheese sauce and follow that traditional technique. The flavors are good in the proportions you suggest, but I ended up with a lot of stretchy cheese that didn't want to stick to the noodles, instead of a smooth cheese sauce like you'd get with a normal stovetop mac & cheese.

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that! I realize that can be a problem, though. Personally I try to avoid using a roux unless I'm doing a baked mac and cheese, but I'll happily make a note that using one can help stabilize the sauce.
      Glad you liked the flavor, though!

  10. Oooh love everything about this! Thanks again for linking up to my blog hop! Pinned :-)

  11. Yes PLEASE! hahah looks amazing! Buzzed ya!

  12. Yes please!! That looks so good!!

  13. You ARE a genius. Omnomnom. Nomnom. Nom. That looks amazing.

  14. is there anyway that you can tell me how to make it for about 30 people ?

    1. I would say the recipe, as written, serves 3-4 people. So I would make maybe 8-9 times the original recipe.
      If I were making it for 30 people I would cook all of the pasta first, in as many batches as necessary (depending on the size of your pots). Once the noodles are drained, immediately toss them with a little butter or oil to keep them from sticking and clumping, then set them aside.
      Chop all the veggies, mince the garlic, shred the cheese, etc., and make the cheese sauce (in a large stock pot, if you have one, or split between two large pots if necessary). Dump in the noodles, and heat until warmed through.

      Hope that helps!

    2. Okaay thaanks .!

  15. Wonderful - glad you liked the recipe! And thanks for the invitation, I'll definitely check out the site!


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