Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kerrygold Cheese Tasting, and a giveaway of all my favorites!

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(Kerrygold cheese and butter - tasting and giveaway in post)

Disclaimer: It is my promise never to push something I don't actually like, or say nice things purely for the sake of being paid or otherwise compensated. Even when that compensation is cheese.

I've been a fan of Kerrygold's cheese and butter for the better part of a year, now. I'm not a cheese fanatic, and can't truly call myself a connoisseur, but I know what I like... and I like what I know! In addition to the incredible taste, which was clearly the first thing to catch my eye... or tongue... I've learned  that  Kerrygold uses pasture fed cattle from local Irish farmers, has a strict no growth-hormone policy, and strives to act more like a smaller business in spite its growing size and over fifty years' experience. As someone who likes to buy local whenever possible, and cares a great deal about where food comes from, that means a lot.

On a whim I decided to contact the company, to thank them for doing what they do, and before I knew it there was an overnight box sitting on my front step. I felt like a kid on Christmas with a big present I couldn't wait to open!

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(An assortment of Kerrygold's fare, from left to right, top to bottom: Butter (salted/unsalted), Garlic Herb Butter, Blarney Castle (gouda), Swiss, Dubliner, Red Leicester, Reduced Fat Cheddar, Aged Cheddar, and Cheddar Reserve.)

I paused to take it all in, then got to work. And by work I mean, devouring!

All of Kerrygold's cheeses are fairly easy on the tongue, not too pungent or overpowering, and therefore great for eating out of hand. First and foremost I wanted to sample everything solo, with bread and palate cleansers in between. This was serious business.

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(The cheeses, lined up and ready for blind sampling.)

Although I already knew which was which, I decided to set up a blind tasting with friends to see what they thought.
I assigned a number to each cheese, and served everything at room temperature (for the best flavor) with grapes, bread, crackers, wine, preserves, nuts, and dried fruit for sampling. I even made small tasting slips for taking notes.


I began with the mildest, progressing towards the sharper end of the spectrum.

Blarney Castle cheese - gouda

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It may seem silly, but I've become so accustomed to gouda's being smoked that the delicate sweetness of this cheese actually surprised me. I found it to be very mild with a light and pleasant milkiness. Smooth and a little nutty, this cheese would be great for every day eating or as part of a platter, but would be especially good as a melting cheese.


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At first taste this is exactly what you'd expect of a Swiss - the texture is middle of the pack firm, the eyes not too deep, and the flavor not overly strong - but then it begins to sink into the taste buds, and there's a nutty sweetness that plays with the usual Swiss piquant, adding nuance and depth you don't normally find in other such cheeses. The delicate flavors reminded me almost of a baby, or young, Swiss, although  not as mild.
This was definitely one of my favorites, and had me craving reubens and cheesesteaks, tuna melts on rye bread, and just about any other sandwich I could think of. From deli to meatball, this Swiss would hold up well with nearly anything between two slices of bread.

Red Leicester

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I realize that Red Leicester is not a particularly rare form of cheese, but it's one that I'm not very familiar with. The limited knowledge I do have would have told me it would be crumblier and stronger than the average cheddar, but slicing into this I found it to be quite tender. The smell was rich (though not pungent) so I braced myself a little. Within seconds it had begun to melt on my tongue, so creamy it filled my whole mouth with flavor. Not overwhelming, but a soft, mild, cheddar taste. Rich, and a little tangy - but not as strong as the color would have led me to believe.
I can see this cheese being fairly versatile in the kitchen. Mild enough to eat out of hand, but strong enough to hold its own alongside meats or other flavors.


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This cheese was my personal favorite of the bunch. Sweet, nutty, a little sharp, and very distinct. A cheddar-style cheese, but of its own standing.
This is my go-to cheese - I want to put it in my mac, I want to slice it with fruit, I want to melt it on bread... but I'm happy standing in the kitchen eating it right off my knife. I truly do think the bright green pastures of Ireland make a difference in the quality of Kerrygold's dairy, and this cheese really shows off that depth of flavor.
Among those tasting the cheese with me, consensus was an overwhelming fondness for this Dubliner.

Aged Cheddar: regular, reserve, and low-fat

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My first impression of this cheese was that it may be too salty for my taste, but as it spread across my palate the creaminess washed over me, and I found it to in fact have a very clean taste. Although aged, the quality of the sharpness shows itself in the smoothness of flavor. It won't knock you over, but it's got enough punch to stand strong in any dish.
This would be ideal for most any application, from crackers and summer sausage to macaroni and cheese, or with a hunk of bread and a nice wine.

Rather than slicing, I decided to break into this cheese, finding its texture to be firm and beautifully crystalled. Aged more than twice as long as their regular cheddar, the Reserve definitely shines as Kerrygold's sharpest. Still, with all its strength, it features a smooth and creamy finish that leaves you wanting more.
For me, this was a close second to the Dubliner. The level of sharpness is personal preference, of course, but this is the right level for me. Sharp enough to distinguish in even the busiest dish, but again - it won't knock you off your seat. And, following the theme I've found through all of Kerrygold's products, it has the same unique sweetness I can only think to attribute to the quality of the dairy.

Low fat:
While not as texturally rich as the regular or reserve, the flavor is definitely still present. Boasting less than half the fat of the average, I was quick to question its meltability - but, after pressing it into a grilled cheese and watching it drip down the sides, sizzle on the pan, and then stretch as I bit into it... I was thoroughly impressed.
Not my favorite of their products, but if fat is a concern in your diet this is a great option.
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(Grilled cheese made with Kerrygold low fat aged cheddar cheese.)

The Butters:
(Name-brand butter on the left, Kerrygold butter on the right.)

While the Dubliner and Swiss were my favorites of the cheeses, my all-time favorite product has got to be the butter. In fact, it's probably what the company is best known for. That may sound strange, being such a simple thing, but this has literally altered the way I think about butter. I'm not usually the type to just lather a pat on some bread, but with something as rich and sweet as this... well, it changes everything.

The first thing you'll notice is the yellow coloring, due to the amount of beta-carotene that comes from grass feeding the cows. Next you'll see how much softer and more spreadable the butter is as compared to the average store-bought stick. Even straight out of the fridge the texture is not so firm as to tear the surface of the bread you spread it on.

(Regular butter on the left, Kerrygold on the right.)

Then - and here's the best part - you'll bite into it and discover the flavor.
Flavor, you ask? Butter hardly has a flavor of its own. Oh, but it does!
Prepare to discover the sweetest, creamiest, richest butter you've ever had. Whether salted or unsalted, I promise you won't be disappointed. A hunk of baguette smeared with this butter? Yes, please!
Although a little pricier than most of the brands on the shelf, I highly recommend having a block on hand for any occasion when you really want a dish to shine. For adding that special touch to flaky croissants; when a cream sauce needs a little extra something; or just for treating yourself with your morning toast!
I always say that quality ingredients are what make any meal its best, and when it comes to butter I consider this the gold standard. Better than hand-churned Amish butters I've found at local markets, and better than homemade.

Garlic Herb:

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After reminding myself just how in love I am with fresh Irish butter, I moved on to the Garlic Herb blend, which I'd never tried before.
Packed with an impressive array of herbs, including garlic, chives, parsley, and dill, this butter is definitely not shy on flavor. Crackers or sourdough were the perfect canvas for sampling, but be for-warned that a little goes a long way. Featuring the same underlying sweetness as the regular, and even softer in consistency, I can just imagine melting it into steaming hot rolls at the dinner table, or adding a burst of flavor to sauces, soups, or steamed vegetables.

There are very few things I enjoy more than taking the time to really experience and savor food - and cheese and butter lend themselves nicely to just such an occasion. Spending the entire day eating cheeses with bread, grapes, wine, nuts, fruit... certainly made me feel like royalty - but I couldn't stop there. After tasting it all, I would be amiss to recommend a product I hadn't cooked with. After playing around with a few ideas, I came up with my very own Kerrygold macaroni recipe.

Macaroni and Cheese

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16 oz. Pasta of choice (I used rigatoni, here)
14 oz. Kerrygold Dubliner or cheddar cheese, shredded
2 TBSP Kerrygold unsalted butter
1/4 cup Greek yogurt, plain
1/4 cup white wine (I used a sweet table wine, Vouvray)
1 tsp. mustard powder
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
Salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste

Optional: corn, peas, green olives
Optional: hot sauce or paprika to garnish

Bring to a boil a large pot of salted water, and cook noodles until al-dente. Drain and set aside.
Return pot to low heat and add butter. As the butter melts, add mustard powder, cayenne, and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Add the yogurt and wine, stir to combine.
Add the cheese one handful at a time, stirring until melted between handfuls.
Once all of the cheese is melted and the sauce becomes smooth and creamy, add the pasta and any corn, peas, or olives if using. Taste and adjust seasoning, and serve with a dash of hot sauce or sprinkling of paprika.

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(For more Kerrygold recipes, check out the recipe index of their website:

I love discovering a product that's worthy of this much praise, and the more I find out about Kerrygold the more I like them.
Since they're still a growing company, though, I know their products can be a little harder to find - that's why I thought I'd share some with you!

One lucky reader will receive some of my favorite Kerrygold items, along with a very special bonus gift from me!


In the basket:

The Dubliner - my favorite of their cheddar-style cheeses.
The Butter - the creme-de-la-creme, salted and non, plus the garlic-herb blend.
The Swiss - easily one of my favorite Swiss cheeses of all time.
The Surprise - top secret bonus gift!

To enter for a chance to win this delicious bounty, all you have to do is:

A. Leave a comment telling me your favorite way to eat/use/enjoy cheese, making sure your name/URL links back to a way for me to contact you, and

B. Like, Pin, Tweet, E-mail, or otherwise spread the word!

And that's it! Submit your comments by midnight (EST) on Friday, February 17th, and I will choose and contact the lucky winner within 48 hours after that. The loot will be expedited to you (anywhere within the United States) as soon as I know where to send it.

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Happy eating!


Update: 2/28 2012 -
The giveaway has ended - thank you all for your comments! All of the entries have been run through a randomizer, and the one lucky winner has been contacted and notified. Congratulations, Jen! To those who didn't win, don't be discouraged - I hope to have many more giveaways in the future.




  1. my favorite way to eat/use/enjoy cheese:

    in slices or cubes, on crackers or bread, and with with items that complement or enhance the flavor (almonds, walnuts, grapes, apple slices, pear slices, arugula, frisee)

  2. I hate to say it, but this post kinda made me miss cheese (just a teeny tiny bit, that mac n' cheese almost pushed me over the edge it looks so good) that butter looks amazing too; what a difference between the store bought & Kerrygold.

    Your friends are so lucky- a cheese tasting party; FUN!

    1. Thanks! And I'm sorry to tempt you... I'll have to make a post on vegan mac and cheese to compensate. :P

  3. The Dubliner is my son's favorite. I would probably have to share it with him. =/

  4. I love eating cheese in every way - alone as a snack, with crackers/bread for an appetizer, on pizza, on mac and cheese, etc...

    great giveaway! The garlic herb sounds delicious!

  5. What way isn't my favorite way to eat cheese? Cheese is good in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, and for a midnight snack. I buy packs and blocks at a time, because there is nary a meal that is cheese-free. In fact, the term "cheese-free" makes me sad.

    If I had to consider any dish with cheese my favorite, I would say a delicious mac & cheese recipe (NO BOX!)!

  6. Tweeted your blog and giveaway!!/JuanitasCocina/status/167819825874341888

  7. I love cheese. Of the listed - Cheddar and Gouda.

  8. Oh dear God. I am so entirely jealous I cannot even begin to tell yo (and this is proof that if you take the time to compliment people when they're being admirable, rather than be mean to them when they're failing, you can get nice karma - or cheese - out of it!)

    I really personally love a good welsh rarebit for strong cheese and fondues for nuttier cheeses but I don't get a chance with soft cheeses - the bries and Camembert of this world disappear down my boyfriend's gullet before I have a chance to touch them :(

    1. Haha - I love that you just drew a relation between cheese and karma! That's brilliant.

  9. My girls could eat mac and cheese or cheese pizza everyday if I allowed it, not that I will allow it everyday, but thats my favorite way to use and enjoy cheese.:-)

    1. Nice! That reminds me of when I was little and would eat nachos for breakfast lunch and dinner if I could. Mostly because I felt very 'big kid' for being able to make them myself, but also because I loved cheese. :P

  10. Completely unoriginal, but I love letting it sit out and get room temp and then snacking away. Add some grapes and crackers, bliss. (ps I'm sold on their butter now thx!)

    1. You're welcome! The butter is pretty life changing. ;)

  11. I tweeted about your giveaway :-) have a good weekend!!

  12. I love eat cheddar cheese with 2 slice of whole wheat/white bread, heat them not in a toast but in a frying pan, at medium low heat, wait until the cheese melted and the bread golden brown.

    btw I love your macaroni cheese very attractive


    1. Thanks! And mmm, that cheesy bread sounds tasty. :)

  13. Wow, what a positive word for KerryGold. I'll have to check them out for sure. Those photos were stunning.

    Regarding what I'd do with the cheese if I won; I'm French, I'd buy a baguette and eat it for breakfast. And lunch. And possibly dinner. :)

    Thanks for hosting this incredible giveaway.

  14. I like cheese - I don't know if there is a favorite way - cheesy melty goodness is wonderful in many ways...but if I have to say a favorite way to enjoy cheese in general, it is with a hunk of bread and a good apple!

    I like butter on bread fresh out of the oven the best! (butter is magical!)

    love your blog!

  15. My favorite way to eat cheese is in between two crackers. This would be awesome to win!!! Thank you for the opportunity :)

  16. My favorite way to eat cheese is on a pizza.

  17. My favorite way to eat cheese is with wine!

  18. I love cheese as desert... kind of a European thing I'm told, but a nice room temperature cheese plate with a little fruit and I am a HAPPY HAPPY girl! (a nice glass of wine on the side is nice too! ;o)

    1. I think I messed up my link... sorry!

    2. Very cool! Sounds like a good way to finish a meal to me.:)

  19. While I enjoy, nay LOVE, eating cheese with grapes/crackers/bread/salad, my favorite way to use it in "cooking" is to make my justifiably famous Cheddar Cheese and Onion bread. I can bring this into the senior center where I volunteer and share it with the other workers.

    1. Oooh, cheddar onion bread sounds fabulous!

    2. There are few things that can compare with Kerrygold products. I adore a grilled cheese made with Dubliner and thinly sliced Honey Crisp apples on potato bread or one made with the swiss, caramelized onions & mushrooms on pumpernickle bread. Let's not forget to grill the sandwiches using Kerrygold butter.

      I buy Kerrygold products in 3lb packages. Bad, huh? I could probably live on cheese if I didn't require some other forms of protein.

  20. I love eating cheese with fresh fruit, wine, and good friends. Your site is amazing, as well as your pictures.

  21. I love your disclaimer about being paid in cheese, lol I would work for cheese.
    I usually cook with cheese, but your incredible pictures remind me that I need to experience and savor it on it's own.

  22. I absolutely love KerryGold's butter but I've never tried their cheese, shame on me! I can never ever turn down a grilled cheese! :)

    1. The butter is the best, but you've got to try their cheeses - so good!

  23. i love cheese! Mac and chesse, grilled cheese, cheese and crackerrs etc

  24. Definitely mac and cheese, yum!

  25. open faced cheese toasted under the broiler until the cheese is all melted

    1. Very nice! I used to do this all the time with sliced tomatoes or summer sausage. :)

  26. I love cheese but I have never tried this brand. I love the detailed cheese descriptions. My favorite is sharp cheddar.

    1. Thanks - and Kerryold is definitely a good one to know. :)

  27. With a crusty baguette and some good red wine!

    1. Mmm, that sounds like an evening I'd like to have!

  28. I love to make a soup with cheddar cheese and broccoli and I love using mozzarella in my special recipe for french onion soup

    I tweeted here:!/superschaley/status/168153288309612546

  29. Hi Willow, I have a few ways I enjoy cheese. Believe it or not I like to enjoy cheese with chocolate covered strawberries! I also like to have some grilled sourdough bread and a lovely glass of La Crema Chardonnay. I have two more cheeses to reccomnend to you. The first one I found at Whole Foods. It is a French cheese similar to a Brie, very soft and creamy, called D'Affoinois. The second cheese is from Switzerland and is a hard chees. It's totally rich and decadent and is called Challerhocker. Even the rind is delicious! Hope you get an opportunity to try either one of these. Warm Regards, Tanya Pinkerton

    1. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll have to check them out!

  30. I love to eat cheese sliced right off the block. The sharper the cheddar, the better! (I'm pinning this post... now!)

  31. Cheese .... I just like to eat it.. And these sound wonderful.. Never knew they had butter.. On a soft warm piece of bread.. YUM!!!

  32. I love to have a few squares of aged cheese with a glass of red wine. You were so lucky to be gifted this basket!

  33. I love spreading brie cheese on multigrain crackers.

  34. I like my swiss in a turkey sandwich and my cheddar with a slice of apple. And I've heard about how good the Kerrygold butter was before, but I've never tried it. I really should pick some up the next time I'm at the supermarket.

  35. We love to create cheese plates with a couple different kinds cheese (soft, hard, sharp, stinky) and a mix of fruits, cured meats, bread and crackers. We've had the Kerrygold butter on our cheese plates before but never their cheese. We've both got our fingers crossed that we win so we can try i.! And good luck to everyone!


      forgot to add a way to contact me just in case we do win!

    2. Thansk so much - you're entered in the drawing, so who knows!

  36. I like to eat cheese with Triscuit crackers and a cut up apple on the side!

  37. mmm I'veluved out of the house for years and still will only eat my moms grilled cheese!

  38. I've never tried this brand of cheese but oh man do i love cheese. My favorite is when i get the nacho with ALL the cheddar on it!

  39. Wow, I guess I'd have to say on a pizza! But I'll take it any way, cold with crackers, in mac & cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich, queso on my taco salad... MMMM!!! Glad I'm not lactose intolerant!

  40. My favorite way to eat cheese is straightup or melted in a grilled cheese sandwich. Mmm.

  41. My favorite way to eat cheese is to have it on melba toast

  42. Love to watch a movie with Popcorn and CHEESE. Taste so good together!

    1. Ah, to this day I remember the first time I had the popcorn and cheese combo (sometimes cheddar, but my favorite might be parmesan!) - so good!

  43. I just love some great cheese on fresh bread. Nothing better!

  44. Cheese is my absolute favorite food. And butter with flavor? Sign me up! All I need is some bread and I'll have me a meal.

    1. Haha - sounds like a true cheese lover to me. :)

  45. I love to eat cheese as much as possible and as often as possible! With breads, fruits...on its own :)

    1. Your comment reminds me of Dr. Seuss' 'Green Eggs and Ham' - I would eat it in a box, I would eat with a fox... ;)

  46. My favorite way to eat cheese is a grilled cheese. A local restaurant has a grown up grilled cheese that is amazing.

  47. Kerrygold has a new softer/spreadable product in a tub that is fantastic. Spread that on a warm slice of brioche from my (new) favorite local bakery, Bloom Baking Co., poor a cuppa and your in business.

    1. I've seen the spreadable tubs, but haven't used them yet - I was a little surprised to see them since their regular butter is such a wonderful consistency as it is. I'll have to give them a try!

  48. I love grilled cheese on some good rye bread with slices of Granny Smith green apples tucked in between. It's my favorite lunch idea!

  49. My favorite way to eat cheese is probably mac n cheese. My dad makes the best :)

    1. Macaroni and cheese is best with a pinch of nostalgia stirred in. :)

  50. I like cheese on its own, or with a good apple slice. :)

  51. Of the Kerry Gold Brand Dubliner is my Favorite!!! I like a nice cheese plate with a nice glass of wine and some crusty french bread!
    Thanks for this post!
    I am going to share this post on my facebook page The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen!!!

  52. I like to enjoy cheese on top of soups. Any kind of soup I always grate some form of cheese to give it the extra richness I love!

  53. I love the Dubliner! My favorite way to eat it is simply at room temperature, all by itself to savor the rich taste.

  54. I love using cheese in just about everything! My favorite would have to be grilled cheese.

  55. I use cheese in just about everything I cook for my partner and I--scrambled eggs, fried eggs with tomatoes, grilled cheese, mozzarella sticks, quesadillas, enchiladas, pizza, you name it. I've been searching for a good macaroni and cheese recipe for a while, and I can't wait to try this one! Thanks for sharing!

    - Mae (mae [at]

  56. I love to enjoy cheese with crackers and a glass of wine.
    jednc @ hotmail .com

    jednc @ hotmail .com

  58. Mmm Kerrygold! This is my favorite time of year because I can get the massive blocks of Dubliner at Costco!

    I like cheese anyway I can get it. I had a Dubliner & tomato grilled cheese tonight - I think that was my favorite.

    1. Nice! People keep telling me they've found it at Costco - I'll have to check that out. :)

  59. My favorite way to eat cheese is in its original form--with wine :)

  60. I love cheese and these all look amazing!! You can count me out as I'm not in the States right now, but I wish I could enter!! What I wouldn't give for this package ;-) That mac and cheese looks out of this world.

    1. Sorry to hear that, Katherine! You'll have to try Kerrygold, sometime, they really are one of my favorites. If you can't find them near you some of it can be ordered online from places like igourmet, or amazon - definitely worth paying a little shipping for, in my opinion!

  61. I'm a cheese the point where my grocery budget has a (mostly) strict cheese cap. I'm drooling over this post. While I love me a good macncheese or grilled cheese, my favorite way to eat the stuff is all by its lonesome so I can take in all the unadulterated glory. Of course, a little cracker, fruit/nuts and wine don't hurt in the mix! Thanks for the beautiful post. I've been thoroughly enjoying your blog!

    1. You're welcome! You sound like quite the connoisseur. :)

  62. I love cheese on almost everything. I love a great grilled cheese, mac and cheese or just cheese and crackers. Thank you for the chance to win!

    1. I'm sorry I didn't give a way to contact me. E-mail is

  63. best way to eat cheese is in bed with my wife, and a glass of wine of cours.e

  64. Best way to eat cheese is on top of a hunk of bread, anytime of any day. Hands down!

  65. Oh I love butter and cheese! I will eat them anyway, but I have to say mac and cheese is an old and dear friend.

  66. Yummy cheese the herbbutter looks great!!!!

  67. I like my cheese between 2 pieces of bread!

  68. I tweeted here:!/DistractedDebra/status/169319555645177856

  69. I'm a cheesaholic. Simplest ways are the best. On a cracker or just a plain ole piece of cheese.

  70. I love cheese in every way! Cooked into my meals (mac and cheese please?), or on top of a burger, in an omelet, and of course with crackers or chips.

  71. my favorite way to enjoy cheese is plain and simple!! i love to find a perfect cracker & perfect jam to compliment each cheese!! my afternoon snack every single day is cheese & fruit!! ()

  72. Ooh, I have been dying to try some of the Kerrygold cheese and butter.I am a huge cheese lover, what doesn't taste good with a little cheese? A good grilled cheese sandwich is one of my favorite ways to eat it.

  73. Hello, my father loves to make grilled cheese sandwiches, and I wanted to buy him either Kerrygold Dubliner cheese or Kerrygold Ballyshannon Cheddar Cheese. Which do you think would work better for grilled cheese sandwiches? Thank you.

    1. Great question! The Ballyshannon Cheddar isn't available where I live, so I haven't been able to try it yet. I love the Dubliner for sandwiches, but I can't speak to the Ballyshannon... it could be just as good. There's a lot of personal preference between cheeses as well, so my suggestion would be to sample each cheese for yourself as you probably know what your dad would like. Sorry I can't be of more help!


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