Monday, February 27, 2012

Chocolate Coconut Rum Balls - snockered snowmen!

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(Chocolate Coconut Rum Ball Snowmen - recipe in post)

Are you ready to rummmmmball?!

I don't know about you, but I had one crazy good weekend. I was looking forward to a long awaited girls night, with friends I hadn't seen in far too long, when it dawned on me that - duh! - I should have something tasty to bring to the party. Clearly, my first thought was chocolate. And my second thought, booze.

Rum balls not only fit both categories, but are so incredibly easy to make it was an instant no-brainer. Plus, they're vegan... just in case I was forgetting any dietary needs.

Feeling inspired by the (very late) winter - snow falling in great cotton-ball flakes all over the yard - I decided to add a bit of whimsy to the scene and make them into snowmen. Wee, drunken snowmen. Seriously, how cute are they?

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This one had a bit too much rum, me thinks.

Chocolate Coconut Rum Balls
(Adapted from The Mother)

1 1/2 cups animal crackers or vanilla wafers
1 1/2 cups walnuts, toasted (or almonds, pecans, hazelnuts...)
3/4 cup sweetened shredded coconut
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup agave, brown rice syrup, or corn syrup
1/4 cup rum (or other liquor - Amaretto or bourbon would work well)
Optional: 1/8th tsp. coconut flavoring (or other extract)

More coconut, powdered sugar, chocolate, or chopped nuts for coating


In a dry skillet over medium heat, toast the nuts until fragrant and flavorful. Add animal crackers (or wafers), nuts, and coconut to the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely ground. Or, if you don't have a food processor, crush/shop finely.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and chill 5-10 minutes in the fridge. Scoop about 1 TBSP and shape into a ball, then roll in whatever coating you like. I used coconut and powdered sugar for my snowmen.
Store in an airtight container for up to a week or two. These are best enjoyed 1-2 days after making, to allow the rum to really soak in.

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Drunken Snowman Love.


  1. They are adorable! And sound delicious! ( can't get over the cuteness!)

  2. Yum yum yum!! These are perfect for a girls night! I've never made rum balls - but that will have to change. Great recipe and cute photos!

  3. Adorable photography!

  4. Those pictures are hilarious! What a fun way to display such a delicious looking treat!

  5. The balls look so decadent - I may be two young to add rum, but there is always chocolate syrup or caramel for me :D

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Microwave Fruity Syrup Cake

    1. Haha - they can definitely be made 'virgin' snowmen. Chocolate and caramel sound great, but any flavoring should work. :)

  6. Willow, these are cute.

    Add the boozy and they're cute AND boozy. Which makes my heart soar.


  7. Adorable, boozy, little snowmen. Love it!

  8. Haha, these are adorable!
    But seriously, I'd kill for these treats, they have about all my favorite ingredients :)

  9. These really sound delicious.This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

    1. Wow, thank you for such a thoughtful comment. I'm glad you like the blog, and hope you continue to enjoy what I have to share. So happy to have you as a reader!

  10. How in the world did I miss this post; I saw the photos on flickr but just thought you were playing with your food again; j/k :)

    These are so much fun!

    I think my Smore's Sticks and Your Rumballs should get together and have a big rumball bonfire :)

    Oh and everyone needs to be like you; making these vegan just in case- Willow you are the best!

    1. Haha - thanks! And that's totally normal to think I'm just playing with my food. :P

      These would go so well with s'mores! Gotta watch out with those boozy snowmen, though - they might catch fire, too! :)

  11. These snowmen are cracking me = so cute and what a great presentation idea :D
    Love them to bits (also because eating a snowman sounds like fun :P)

    Choc Chip Uru

  12. Oh my gosh, these look great and your pictures are too cute for words!!

  13. Oh my god, those pictures are HILARIOUS! Love love love this post! And the rum balls sound great too, besides being adorable snowmen!

  14. How cute these are and they looks so tasty too!

  15. How did you make the little arms and faces? These are so cool!

    1. Hi Kenny -- thanks! I used wire and a pair of needle-nose pliers to bend the wire. Definitely not edible, but cute. :)

    2. Oh, and the faces are little dots of chocolate.


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